Wonder how Hungarian Baptists are involved in coping with migration issues?

Szerző: Főadmin Bejegyzés: 2015. szeptember 03., csütörtök 15:34

In the capital we provide food, water and medical items (medicine, bandages) as well as basic health care through our professional volunteers - doctors and nurses - for approximately 200 people per day. We support mostly mothers and children. 

In order to provide crisis shelter we opened our institutions  for the refugees, coordinating our activities in close cooperation with the Office of Immigration and Nationality of Hungary. At the both the shelter and at the main railway station we are responding to needs of the refugees according to our abilities. HBAid’s temporary shelter is filled over capacity with more than 80 people. In Hungary, there have not been social and child protection services specifically for refugees before this institution. The professional work and operation here adapted to special circumstances.

We also have volunteers working in Hungarian cities close to the southern border like Pécs, Kiskunhalas, Orosháza where they support the refugee groups by distributing donations we have received from our churches. 

In Serbia, beyond the Hungarian border, we have also been providing support through ethnic Hungarian Baptist churches (eg. Pacser).
While Hungarian Baptist Aid has both the capacity and expertise to provide support to migrants, finances and supplies are limited and any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let us know if any of our activities are of interest!


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